Before I elaborate on the amazing, exciting news we have, here's a quick update: Daniel and I have decided to finish up our arm and leg prototypes before we move on to our wheelchair. However, the prosthetics only have minor details we need to sort out, and it shouldn't take more than a few days. Once we have all our ducks in a row, we'll get our rebar at the end of the week and finally tackle our wheelchair prototype. 
      And.... drum roll please? Daniel and I need a project to work on after we finish our wheelchair and we read an article about "WeeBot," (Today in OT) a robot that helps babies who are developmentally challenged learn how to walk. Basically, a baby sits on a robot that acts like a Wee fit board, and when they lean in the direction they want to go, the robot moves them in that direction. So for babies that can't learn how to crawl, this is a huge development!! It already has inspiring results, and Daniel and I have decided for our next project, we want to make one! I'm in raptures because I love kids and I want to go into pediatrics, and Daniel has been dealing with robots all year on the robotics team. We'll let you know how it goes, but right now, we're pretty excited!

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